Motivation ========== Treaps provide a memory-efficient binary search tree structure. Insertion/deletion/search are about as about as fast in the average case as red-black trees and the chances of worst-case behavior are vanishingly small, thanks to (pseudo-)randomness. The bad worst-case behavior is a small price to pay, given that treaps are much simpler to implement. API === The trp API generates a data structure and functions to handle a large growing set of objects stored in a pool. The caller: . Specifies parameters for the generated functions with the trp_gen(static, foo_, ...) macro. . Allocates a `struct trp_root` variable and sets it to {~0}. . Adds new nodes to the set using `foo_insert`. . Can find a specific item in the set using `foo_search`. . Can iterate over items in the set using `foo_first` and `foo_next`. . Can remove an item from the set using `foo_remove`. Example: ---- struct ex_node { const char *s; struct trp_node ex_link; }; static struct trp_root ex_base = {~0}; obj_pool_gen(ex, struct ex_node, 4096); trp_gen(static, ex_, struct ex_node, ex_link, ex, strcmp) struct ex_node *item; item = ex_pointer(ex_alloc(1)); item->s = "hello"; ex_insert(&ex_base, item); item = ex_pointer(ex_alloc(1)); item->s = "goodbye"; ex_insert(&ex_base, item); for (item = ex_first(&ex_base); item; item = ex_next(&ex_base, item)) printf("%s\n", item->s); ---- Functions --------- trp_gen(attr, foo_, node_type, link_field, pool, cmp):: Generate a type-specific treap implementation. + . The storage class for generated functions will be 'attr' (e.g., `static`). . Generated function names are prefixed with 'foo_' (e.g., `treap_`). . Treap nodes will be of type 'node_type' (e.g., `struct treap_node`). This type must be a struct with at least one `struct trp_node` field to point to its children. . The field used to access child nodes will be 'link_field'. . All treap nodes must lie in the 'pool' object pool. . Treap nodes must be totally ordered by the 'cmp' relation, with the following prototype: + int (*cmp)(node_type \*a, node_type \*b) + and returning a value less than, equal to, or greater than zero according to the result of comparison. void foo_insert(struct trp_root *treap, node_type \*node):: Insert node into treap. If inserted multiple times, a node will appear in the treap multiple times. void foo_remove(struct trp_root *treap, node_type \*node):: Remove node from treap. Caller must ensure node is present in treap before using this function. node_type *foo_search(struct trp_root \*treap, node_type \*key):: Search for a node that matches key. If no match is found, result is NULL. node_type *foo_nsearch(struct trp_root \*treap, node_type \*key):: Like `foo_search`, but if if the key is missing return what would be key's successor, were key in treap (NULL if no successor). node_type *foo_first(struct trp_root \*treap):: Find the first item from the treap, in sorted order. node_type *foo_next(struct trp_root \*treap, node_type \*node):: Find the next item.