#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2010 Nazri Ramliy # test_description='Test for "git log --decorate" colors' . ./test-lib.sh test_expect_success setup ' git config diff.color.commit yellow && git config color.decorate.branch green && git config color.decorate.remoteBranch red && git config color.decorate.tag "reverse bold yellow" && git config color.decorate.stash magenta && git config color.decorate.HEAD cyan && c_reset="" && c_commit="" && c_branch="" && c_remoteBranch="" && c_tag="" && c_stash="" && c_HEAD="" && test_commit A && git clone . other && ( cd other && test_commit A1 ) && git remote add -f other ./other && test_commit B && git tag v1.0 && echo >>A.t && git stash save Changes to A.t ' cat >expected <\ ${c_reset}${c_branch}master${c_reset}${c_commit},\ ${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: v1.0${c_reset}${c_commit},\ ${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: B${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} B ${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A1${c_reset}${c_commit},\ ${c_reset}${c_remoteBranch}other/master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A1 ${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_stash}refs/stash${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset}\ On master: Changes to A.t ${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A EOF # We want log to show all, but the second parent to refs/stash is irrelevant # to this test since it does not contain any decoration, hence --first-parent test_expect_success 'Commit Decorations Colored Correctly' ' git log --first-parent --abbrev=10 --all --decorate --oneline --color=always | sed "s/[0-9a-f]\{10,10\}/COMMIT_ID/" | test_decode_color >out && test_cmp expected out ' test_done