/* * builtin-help.c * * Builtin help-related commands (help, usage, version) */ #include "cache.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "exec_cmd.h" #include "common-cmds.h" #include "parse-options.h" #include "run-command.h" static struct man_viewer_list { void (*exec)(const char *); struct man_viewer_list *next; } *man_viewer_list; enum help_format { HELP_FORMAT_MAN, HELP_FORMAT_INFO, HELP_FORMAT_WEB, }; static int show_all = 0; static enum help_format help_format = HELP_FORMAT_MAN; static struct option builtin_help_options[] = { OPT_BOOLEAN('a', "all", &show_all, "print all available commands"), OPT_SET_INT('m', "man", &help_format, "show man page", HELP_FORMAT_MAN), OPT_SET_INT('w', "web", &help_format, "show manual in web browser", HELP_FORMAT_WEB), OPT_SET_INT('i', "info", &help_format, "show info page", HELP_FORMAT_INFO), OPT_END(), }; static const char * const builtin_help_usage[] = { "git-help [--all] [--man|--web|--info] [command]", NULL }; static enum help_format parse_help_format(const char *format) { if (!strcmp(format, "man")) return HELP_FORMAT_MAN; if (!strcmp(format, "info")) return HELP_FORMAT_INFO; if (!strcmp(format, "web") || !strcmp(format, "html")) return HELP_FORMAT_WEB; die("unrecognized help format '%s'", format); } static int check_emacsclient_version(void) { struct strbuf buffer = STRBUF_INIT; struct child_process ec_process; const char *argv_ec[] = { "emacsclient", "--version", NULL }; int version; /* emacsclient prints its version number on stderr */ memset(&ec_process, 0, sizeof(ec_process)); ec_process.argv = argv_ec; ec_process.err = -1; ec_process.stdout_to_stderr = 1; if (start_command(&ec_process)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start emacsclient.\n"); return -1; } strbuf_read(&buffer, ec_process.err, 20); close(ec_process.err); /* * Don't bother checking return value, because "emacsclient --version" * seems to always exits with code 1. */ finish_command(&ec_process); if (prefixcmp(buffer.buf, "emacsclient")) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse emacsclient version.\n"); strbuf_release(&buffer); return -1; } strbuf_remove(&buffer, 0, strlen("emacsclient")); version = atoi(buffer.buf); if (version < 22) { fprintf(stderr, "emacsclient version '%d' too old (< 22).\n", version); strbuf_release(&buffer); return -1; } strbuf_release(&buffer); return 0; } static void exec_woman_emacs(const char *page) { if (!check_emacsclient_version()) { /* This works only with emacsclient version >= 22. */ struct strbuf man_page = STRBUF_INIT; strbuf_addf(&man_page, "(woman \"%s\")", page); execlp("emacsclient", "emacsclient", "-e", man_page.buf, NULL); } } static void exec_man_konqueror(const char *page) { const char *display = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (display && *display) { struct strbuf man_page = STRBUF_INIT; strbuf_addf(&man_page, "man:%s(1)", page); execlp("kfmclient", "kfmclient", "newTab", man_page.buf, NULL); } } static void exec_man_man(const char *page) { execlp("man", "man", page, NULL); } static void do_add_man_viewer(void (*exec)(const char *)) { struct man_viewer_list **p = &man_viewer_list; while (*p) p = &((*p)->next); *p = xmalloc(sizeof(**p)); (*p)->next = NULL; (*p)->exec = exec; } static int add_man_viewer(const char *value) { if (!strcasecmp(value, "man")) do_add_man_viewer(exec_man_man); else if (!strcasecmp(value, "woman")) do_add_man_viewer(exec_woman_emacs); else if (!strcasecmp(value, "konqueror")) do_add_man_viewer(exec_man_konqueror); else warning("'%s': unsupported man viewer.", value); return 0; } static int git_help_config(const char *var, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(var, "help.format")) { if (!value) return config_error_nonbool(var); help_format = parse_help_format(value); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "man.viewer")) { if (!value) return config_error_nonbool(var); return add_man_viewer(value); } return git_default_config(var, value); } /* most GUI terminals set COLUMNS (although some don't export it) */ static int term_columns(void) { char *col_string = getenv("COLUMNS"); int n_cols; if (col_string && (n_cols = atoi(col_string)) > 0) return n_cols; #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ { struct winsize ws; if (!ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws)) { if (ws.ws_col) return ws.ws_col; } } #endif return 80; } static inline void mput_char(char c, unsigned int num) { while(num--) putchar(c); } static struct cmdnames { int alloc; int cnt; struct cmdname { size_t len; char name[1]; } **names; } main_cmds, other_cmds; static void add_cmdname(struct cmdnames *cmds, const char *name, int len) { struct cmdname *ent = xmalloc(sizeof(*ent) + len); ent->len = len; memcpy(ent->name, name, len); ent->name[len] = 0; ALLOC_GROW(cmds->names, cmds->cnt + 1, cmds->alloc); cmds->names[cmds->cnt++] = ent; } static int cmdname_compare(const void *a_, const void *b_) { struct cmdname *a = *(struct cmdname **)a_; struct cmdname *b = *(struct cmdname **)b_; return strcmp(a->name, b->name); } static void uniq(struct cmdnames *cmds) { int i, j; if (!cmds->cnt) return; for (i = j = 1; i < cmds->cnt; i++) if (strcmp(cmds->names[i]->name, cmds->names[i-1]->name)) cmds->names[j++] = cmds->names[i]; cmds->cnt = j; } static void exclude_cmds(struct cmdnames *cmds, struct cmdnames *excludes) { int ci, cj, ei; int cmp; ci = cj = ei = 0; while (ci < cmds->cnt && ei < excludes->cnt) { cmp = strcmp(cmds->names[ci]->name, excludes->names[ei]->name); if (cmp < 0) cmds->names[cj++] = cmds->names[ci++]; else if (cmp == 0) ci++, ei++; else if (cmp > 0) ei++; } while (ci < cmds->cnt) cmds->names[cj++] = cmds->names[ci++]; cmds->cnt = cj; } static void pretty_print_string_list(struct cmdnames *cmds, int longest) { int cols = 1, rows; int space = longest + 1; /* min 1 SP between words */ int max_cols = term_columns() - 1; /* don't print *on* the edge */ int i, j; if (space < max_cols) cols = max_cols / space; rows = (cmds->cnt + cols - 1) / cols; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { printf(" "); for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { int n = j * rows + i; int size = space; if (n >= cmds->cnt) break; if (j == cols-1 || n + rows >= cmds->cnt) size = 1; printf("%-*s", size, cmds->names[n]->name); } putchar('\n'); } } static unsigned int list_commands_in_dir(struct cmdnames *cmds, const char *path) { unsigned int longest = 0; const char *prefix = "git-"; int prefix_len = strlen(prefix); DIR *dir = opendir(path); struct dirent *de; if (!dir || chdir(path)) return 0; while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { struct stat st; int entlen; if (prefixcmp(de->d_name, prefix)) continue; if (stat(de->d_name, &st) || /* stat, not lstat */ !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !(st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) continue; entlen = strlen(de->d_name) - prefix_len; if (has_extension(de->d_name, ".exe")) entlen -= 4; if (longest < entlen) longest = entlen; add_cmdname(cmds, de->d_name + prefix_len, entlen); } closedir(dir); return longest; } static unsigned int load_command_list(void) { unsigned int longest = 0; unsigned int len; const char *env_path = getenv("PATH"); char *paths, *path, *colon; const char *exec_path = git_exec_path(); if (exec_path) longest = list_commands_in_dir(&main_cmds, exec_path); if (!env_path) { fprintf(stderr, "PATH not set\n"); exit(1); } path = paths = xstrdup(env_path); while (1) { if ((colon = strchr(path, ':'))) *colon = 0; len = list_commands_in_dir(&other_cmds, path); if (len > longest) longest = len; if (!colon) break; path = colon + 1; } free(paths); qsort(main_cmds.names, main_cmds.cnt, sizeof(*main_cmds.names), cmdname_compare); uniq(&main_cmds); qsort(other_cmds.names, other_cmds.cnt, sizeof(*other_cmds.names), cmdname_compare); uniq(&other_cmds); exclude_cmds(&other_cmds, &main_cmds); return longest; } static void list_commands(void) { unsigned int longest = load_command_list(); const char *exec_path = git_exec_path(); if (main_cmds.cnt) { printf("available git commands in '%s'\n", exec_path); printf("----------------------------"); mput_char('-', strlen(exec_path)); putchar('\n'); pretty_print_string_list(&main_cmds, longest); putchar('\n'); } if (other_cmds.cnt) { printf("git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH\n"); printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); pretty_print_string_list(&other_cmds, longest); putchar('\n'); } } void list_common_cmds_help(void) { int i, longest = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(common_cmds); i++) { if (longest < strlen(common_cmds[i].name)) longest = strlen(common_cmds[i].name); } puts("The most commonly used git commands are:"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(common_cmds); i++) { printf(" %s ", common_cmds[i].name); mput_char(' ', longest - strlen(common_cmds[i].name)); puts(common_cmds[i].help); } } static int is_in_cmdlist(struct cmdnames *c, const char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c->cnt; i++) if (!strcmp(s, c->names[i]->name)) return 1; return 0; } static int is_git_command(const char *s) { load_command_list(); return is_in_cmdlist(&main_cmds, s) || is_in_cmdlist(&other_cmds, s); } static const char *cmd_to_page(const char *git_cmd) { if (!git_cmd) return "git"; else if (!prefixcmp(git_cmd, "git")) return git_cmd; else { int page_len = strlen(git_cmd) + 4; char *p = xmalloc(page_len + 1); strcpy(p, "git-"); strcpy(p + 4, git_cmd); p[page_len] = 0; return p; } } static void setup_man_path(void) { struct strbuf new_path; const char *old_path = getenv("MANPATH"); strbuf_init(&new_path, 0); /* We should always put ':' after our path. If there is no * old_path, the ':' at the end will let 'man' to try * system-wide paths after ours to find the manual page. If * there is old_path, we need ':' as delimiter. */ strbuf_addstr(&new_path, GIT_MAN_PATH); strbuf_addch(&new_path, ':'); if (old_path) strbuf_addstr(&new_path, old_path); setenv("MANPATH", new_path.buf, 1); strbuf_release(&new_path); } static void show_man_page(const char *git_cmd) { struct man_viewer_list *viewer; const char *page = cmd_to_page(git_cmd); setup_man_path(); for (viewer = man_viewer_list; viewer; viewer = viewer->next) { viewer->exec(page); /* will return when unable */ } exec_man_man(page); die("no man viewer handled the request"); } static void show_info_page(const char *git_cmd) { const char *page = cmd_to_page(git_cmd); setenv("INFOPATH", GIT_INFO_PATH, 1); execlp("info", "info", "gitman", page, NULL); } static void get_html_page_path(struct strbuf *page_path, const char *page) { struct stat st; /* Check that we have a git documentation directory. */ if (stat(GIT_HTML_PATH "/git.html", &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) die("'%s': not a documentation directory.", GIT_HTML_PATH); strbuf_init(page_path, 0); strbuf_addf(page_path, GIT_HTML_PATH "/%s.html", page); } static void show_html_page(const char *git_cmd) { const char *page = cmd_to_page(git_cmd); struct strbuf page_path; /* it leaks but we exec bellow */ get_html_page_path(&page_path, page); execl_git_cmd("web--browse", "-c", "help.browser", page_path.buf, NULL); } void help_unknown_cmd(const char *cmd) { fprintf(stderr, "git: '%s' is not a git-command. See 'git --help'.\n", cmd); exit(1); } int cmd_version(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { printf("git version %s\n", git_version_string); return 0; } int cmd_help(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { int nongit; const char *alias; setup_git_directory_gently(&nongit); git_config(git_help_config); argc = parse_options(argc, argv, builtin_help_options, builtin_help_usage, 0); if (show_all) { printf("usage: %s\n\n", git_usage_string); list_commands(); return 0; } if (!argv[0]) { printf("usage: %s\n\n", git_usage_string); list_common_cmds_help(); return 0; } alias = alias_lookup(argv[0]); if (alias && !is_git_command(argv[0])) { printf("`git %s' is aliased to `%s'\n", argv[0], alias); return 0; } switch (help_format) { case HELP_FORMAT_MAN: show_man_page(argv[0]); break; case HELP_FORMAT_INFO: show_info_page(argv[0]); break; case HELP_FORMAT_WEB: show_html_page(argv[0]); break; } return 0; }