#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Script to trigger the Git for Windows build and test run. # Set the $GFW_CI_TOKEN as environment variable. # Pass the branch (only branches on https://github.com/git/git are # supported) and a commit hash. # . ${0%/*}/lib-travisci.sh test $# -ne 2 && echo "Unexpected number of parameters" && exit 1 test -z "$GFW_CI_TOKEN" && echo "GFW_CI_TOKEN not defined" && exit BRANCH=$1 COMMIT=$2 gfwci () { local CURL_ERROR_CODE HTTP_CODE CONTENT_FILE=$(mktemp -t "git-windows-ci-XXXXXX") while test -z $HTTP_CODE do HTTP_CODE=$(curl \ -H "Authentication: Bearer $GFW_CI_TOKEN" \ --silent --retry 5 --write-out '%{HTTP_CODE}' \ --output >(sed "$(printf '1s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//')" >$CONTENT_FILE) \ "https://git-for-windows-ci.azurewebsites.net/api/TestNow?$1" \ ) CURL_ERROR_CODE=$? # The GfW CI web app sometimes returns HTTP errors of # "502 bad gateway" or "503 service unavailable". # We also need to check the HTTP content because the GfW web # app seems to pass through (error) results from other Azure # calls with HTTP code 200. # Wait a little and retry if we detect this error. More info: # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/azure/app-service-web/app-service-web-troubleshoot-http-502-http-503 if test $HTTP_CODE -eq 502 || test $HTTP_CODE -eq 503 || grep "502 - Web server received an invalid response" $CONTENT_FILE >/dev/null then sleep 10 HTTP_CODE= fi done cat $CONTENT_FILE rm $CONTENT_FILE if test $CURL_ERROR_CODE -ne 0 then return $CURL_ERROR_CODE fi if test "$HTTP_CODE" -ge 400 && test "$HTTP_CODE" -lt 600 then return 127 fi } # Trigger build job BUILD_ID=$(gfwci "action=trigger&branch=$BRANCH&commit=$COMMIT&skipTests=false") if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Unable to trigger Visual Studio Team Services Build" echo "$BUILD_ID" exit 1 fi # Check if the $BUILD_ID contains a number case $BUILD_ID in ''|*[!0-9]*) echo "Unexpected build number: $BUILD_ID" && exit 1 esac echo "Visual Studio Team Services Build #${BUILD_ID}" # Tracing execued commands would produce too much noise in the waiting # loop below. set +x # Wait until build job finished STATUS= RESULT= while true do LAST_STATUS=$STATUS STATUS=$(gfwci "action=status&buildId=$BUILD_ID") test "$STATUS" = "$LAST_STATUS" || printf "\nStatus: %s " "$STATUS" printf "." case "$STATUS" in inProgress|postponed|notStarted) sleep 10 ;; # continue "completed: succeeded") RESULT="success"; break;; # success "completed: failed") break;; # failure *) echo "Unhandled status: $STATUS"; break;; # unknown esac done # Print log echo "" echo "" set -x gfwci "action=log&buildId=$BUILD_ID" | cut -c 30- # Set exit code for TravisCI test "$RESULT" = "success" save_good_tree