/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Scharfe */ #include "cache.h" #include "archive.h" #include "streaming.h" #include "utf8.h" static int zip_date; static int zip_time; static unsigned char *zip_dir; static unsigned int zip_dir_size; static unsigned int zip_offset; static unsigned int zip_dir_offset; static unsigned int zip_dir_entries; #define ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE (1024 * 1024) #define ZIP_STREAM (1 << 3) #define ZIP_UTF8 (1 << 11) struct zip_local_header { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char version[2]; unsigned char flags[2]; unsigned char compression_method[2]; unsigned char mtime[2]; unsigned char mdate[2]; unsigned char crc32[4]; unsigned char compressed_size[4]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char filename_length[2]; unsigned char extra_length[2]; unsigned char _end[1]; }; struct zip_data_desc { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char crc32[4]; unsigned char compressed_size[4]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char _end[1]; }; struct zip_dir_header { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char creator_version[2]; unsigned char version[2]; unsigned char flags[2]; unsigned char compression_method[2]; unsigned char mtime[2]; unsigned char mdate[2]; unsigned char crc32[4]; unsigned char compressed_size[4]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char filename_length[2]; unsigned char extra_length[2]; unsigned char comment_length[2]; unsigned char disk[2]; unsigned char attr1[2]; unsigned char attr2[4]; unsigned char offset[4]; unsigned char _end[1]; }; struct zip_dir_trailer { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char disk[2]; unsigned char directory_start_disk[2]; unsigned char entries_on_this_disk[2]; unsigned char entries[2]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char offset[4]; unsigned char comment_length[2]; unsigned char _end[1]; }; struct zip_extra_mtime { unsigned char magic[2]; unsigned char extra_size[2]; unsigned char flags[1]; unsigned char mtime[4]; unsigned char _end[1]; }; /* * On ARM, padding is added at the end of the struct, so a simple * sizeof(struct ...) reports two bytes more than the payload size * we're interested in. */ #define ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE offsetof(struct zip_local_header, _end) #define ZIP_DATA_DESC_SIZE offsetof(struct zip_data_desc, _end) #define ZIP_DIR_HEADER_SIZE offsetof(struct zip_dir_header, _end) #define ZIP_DIR_TRAILER_SIZE offsetof(struct zip_dir_trailer, _end) #define ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE offsetof(struct zip_extra_mtime, _end) #define ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_PAYLOAD_SIZE \ (ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE - offsetof(struct zip_extra_mtime, flags)) static void copy_le16(unsigned char *dest, unsigned int n) { dest[0] = 0xff & n; dest[1] = 0xff & (n >> 010); } static void copy_le32(unsigned char *dest, unsigned int n) { dest[0] = 0xff & n; dest[1] = 0xff & (n >> 010); dest[2] = 0xff & (n >> 020); dest[3] = 0xff & (n >> 030); } static void *zlib_deflate(void *data, unsigned long size, int compression_level, unsigned long *compressed_size) { git_zstream stream; unsigned long maxsize; void *buffer; int result; memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream)); git_deflate_init(&stream, compression_level); maxsize = git_deflate_bound(&stream, size); buffer = xmalloc(maxsize); stream.next_in = data; stream.avail_in = size; stream.next_out = buffer; stream.avail_out = maxsize; do { result = git_deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH); } while (result == Z_OK); if (result != Z_STREAM_END) { free(buffer); return NULL; } git_deflate_end(&stream); *compressed_size = stream.total_out; return buffer; } static void write_zip_data_desc(unsigned long size, unsigned long compressed_size, unsigned long crc) { struct zip_data_desc trailer; copy_le32(trailer.magic, 0x08074b50); copy_le32(trailer.crc32, crc); copy_le32(trailer.compressed_size, compressed_size); copy_le32(trailer.size, size); write_or_die(1, &trailer, ZIP_DATA_DESC_SIZE); } static void set_zip_dir_data_desc(struct zip_dir_header *header, unsigned long size, unsigned long compressed_size, unsigned long crc) { copy_le32(header->crc32, crc); copy_le32(header->compressed_size, compressed_size); copy_le32(header->size, size); } static void set_zip_header_data_desc(struct zip_local_header *header, unsigned long size, unsigned long compressed_size, unsigned long crc) { copy_le32(header->crc32, crc); copy_le32(header->compressed_size, compressed_size); copy_le32(header->size, size); } static int has_only_ascii(const char *s) { for (;;) { int c = *s++; if (c == '\0') return 1; if (!isascii(c)) return 0; } } #define STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 16) static int write_zip_entry(struct archiver_args *args, const unsigned char *sha1, const char *path, size_t pathlen, unsigned int mode) { struct zip_local_header header; struct zip_dir_header dirent; struct zip_extra_mtime extra; unsigned long attr2; unsigned long compressed_size; unsigned long crc; unsigned long direntsize; int method; unsigned char *out; void *deflated = NULL; void *buffer; struct git_istream *stream = NULL; unsigned long flags = 0; unsigned long size; crc = crc32(0, NULL, 0); if (!has_only_ascii(path)) { if (is_utf8(path)) flags |= ZIP_UTF8; else warning("Path is not valid UTF-8: %s", path); } if (pathlen > 0xffff) { return error("path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s", (int)pathlen, sha1_to_hex(sha1), path); } if (S_ISDIR(mode) || S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { method = 0; attr2 = 16; out = NULL; size = 0; compressed_size = 0; buffer = NULL; size = 0; } else if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode)) { enum object_type type = sha1_object_info(sha1, &size); method = 0; attr2 = S_ISLNK(mode) ? ((mode | 0777) << 16) : (mode & 0111) ? ((mode) << 16) : 0; if (S_ISREG(mode) && args->compression_level != 0 && size > 0) method = 8; if (S_ISREG(mode) && type == OBJ_BLOB && !args->convert && size > big_file_threshold) { stream = open_istream(sha1, &type, &size, NULL); if (!stream) return error("cannot stream blob %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); flags |= ZIP_STREAM; out = buffer = NULL; } else { buffer = sha1_file_to_archive(args, path, sha1, mode, &type, &size); if (!buffer) return error("cannot read %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); crc = crc32(crc, buffer, size); out = buffer; } compressed_size = (method == 0) ? size : 0; } else { return error("unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)", mode, sha1_to_hex(sha1)); } if (buffer && method == 8) { deflated = zlib_deflate(buffer, size, args->compression_level, &compressed_size); if (deflated && compressed_size - 6 < size) { /* ZLIB --> raw compressed data (see RFC 1950) */ /* CMF and FLG ... */ out = (unsigned char *)deflated + 2; compressed_size -= 6; /* ... and ADLER32 */ } else { method = 0; compressed_size = size; } } copy_le16(extra.magic, 0x5455); copy_le16(extra.extra_size, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_PAYLOAD_SIZE); extra.flags[0] = 1; /* just mtime */ copy_le32(extra.mtime, args->time); /* make sure we have enough free space in the dictionary */ direntsize = ZIP_DIR_HEADER_SIZE + pathlen + ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE; while (zip_dir_size < zip_dir_offset + direntsize) { zip_dir_size += ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE; zip_dir = xrealloc(zip_dir, zip_dir_size); } copy_le32(dirent.magic, 0x02014b50); copy_le16(dirent.creator_version, S_ISLNK(mode) || (S_ISREG(mode) && (mode & 0111)) ? 0x0317 : 0); copy_le16(dirent.version, 10); copy_le16(dirent.flags, flags); copy_le16(dirent.compression_method, method); copy_le16(dirent.mtime, zip_time); copy_le16(dirent.mdate, zip_date); set_zip_dir_data_desc(&dirent, size, compressed_size, crc); copy_le16(dirent.filename_length, pathlen); copy_le16(dirent.extra_length, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE); copy_le16(dirent.comment_length, 0); copy_le16(dirent.disk, 0); copy_le16(dirent.attr1, 0); copy_le32(dirent.attr2, attr2); copy_le32(dirent.offset, zip_offset); copy_le32(header.magic, 0x04034b50); copy_le16(header.version, 10); copy_le16(header.flags, flags); copy_le16(header.compression_method, method); copy_le16(header.mtime, zip_time); copy_le16(header.mdate, zip_date); set_zip_header_data_desc(&header, size, compressed_size, crc); copy_le16(header.filename_length, pathlen); copy_le16(header.extra_length, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE); write_or_die(1, &header, ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE); zip_offset += ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE; write_or_die(1, path, pathlen); zip_offset += pathlen; write_or_die(1, &extra, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE); zip_offset += ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE; if (stream && method == 0) { unsigned char buf[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; ssize_t readlen; for (;;) { readlen = read_istream(stream, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (readlen <= 0) break; crc = crc32(crc, buf, readlen); write_or_die(1, buf, readlen); } close_istream(stream); if (readlen) return readlen; compressed_size = size; zip_offset += compressed_size; write_zip_data_desc(size, compressed_size, crc); zip_offset += ZIP_DATA_DESC_SIZE; set_zip_dir_data_desc(&dirent, size, compressed_size, crc); } else if (stream && method == 8) { unsigned char buf[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; ssize_t readlen; git_zstream zstream; int result; size_t out_len; unsigned char compressed[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE * 2]; memset(&zstream, 0, sizeof(zstream)); git_deflate_init(&zstream, args->compression_level); compressed_size = 0; zstream.next_out = compressed; zstream.avail_out = sizeof(compressed); for (;;) { readlen = read_istream(stream, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (readlen <= 0) break; crc = crc32(crc, buf, readlen); zstream.next_in = buf; zstream.avail_in = readlen; result = git_deflate(&zstream, 0); if (result != Z_OK) die("deflate error (%d)", result); out = compressed; if (!compressed_size) out += 2; out_len = zstream.next_out - out; if (out_len > 0) { write_or_die(1, out, out_len); compressed_size += out_len; zstream.next_out = compressed; zstream.avail_out = sizeof(compressed); } } close_istream(stream); if (readlen) return readlen; zstream.next_in = buf; zstream.avail_in = 0; result = git_deflate(&zstream, Z_FINISH); if (result != Z_STREAM_END) die("deflate error (%d)", result); git_deflate_end(&zstream); out = compressed; if (!compressed_size) out += 2; out_len = zstream.next_out - out - 4; write_or_die(1, out, out_len); compressed_size += out_len; zip_offset += compressed_size; write_zip_data_desc(size, compressed_size, crc); zip_offset += ZIP_DATA_DESC_SIZE; set_zip_dir_data_desc(&dirent, size, compressed_size, crc); } else if (compressed_size > 0) { write_or_die(1, out, compressed_size); zip_offset += compressed_size; } free(deflated); free(buffer); memcpy(zip_dir + zip_dir_offset, &dirent, ZIP_DIR_HEADER_SIZE); zip_dir_offset += ZIP_DIR_HEADER_SIZE; memcpy(zip_dir + zip_dir_offset, path, pathlen); zip_dir_offset += pathlen; memcpy(zip_dir + zip_dir_offset, &extra, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE); zip_dir_offset += ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE; zip_dir_entries++; return 0; } static void write_zip_trailer(const unsigned char *sha1) { struct zip_dir_trailer trailer; copy_le32(trailer.magic, 0x06054b50); copy_le16(trailer.disk, 0); copy_le16(trailer.directory_start_disk, 0); copy_le16(trailer.entries_on_this_disk, zip_dir_entries); copy_le16(trailer.entries, zip_dir_entries); copy_le32(trailer.size, zip_dir_offset); copy_le32(trailer.offset, zip_offset); copy_le16(trailer.comment_length, sha1 ? 40 : 0); write_or_die(1, zip_dir, zip_dir_offset); write_or_die(1, &trailer, ZIP_DIR_TRAILER_SIZE); if (sha1) write_or_die(1, sha1_to_hex(sha1), 40); } static void dos_time(time_t *time, int *dos_date, int *dos_time) { struct tm *t = localtime(time); *dos_date = t->tm_mday + (t->tm_mon + 1) * 32 + (t->tm_year + 1900 - 1980) * 512; *dos_time = t->tm_sec / 2 + t->tm_min * 32 + t->tm_hour * 2048; } static int write_zip_archive(const struct archiver *ar, struct archiver_args *args) { int err; dos_time(&args->time, &zip_date, &zip_time); zip_dir = xmalloc(ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE); zip_dir_size = ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE; err = write_archive_entries(args, write_zip_entry); if (!err) write_zip_trailer(args->commit_sha1); free(zip_dir); return err; } static struct archiver zip_archiver = { "zip", write_zip_archive, ARCHIVER_WANT_COMPRESSION_LEVELS|ARCHIVER_REMOTE }; void init_zip_archiver(void) { register_archiver(&zip_archiver); }