guitool..cmd:: Specifies the shell command line to execute when the corresponding item of the linkgit:git-gui[1] `Tools` menu is invoked. This option is mandatory for every tool. The command is executed from the root of the working directory, and in the environment it receives the name of the tool as `GIT_GUITOOL`, the name of the currently selected file as 'FILENAME', and the name of the current branch as 'CUR_BRANCH' (if the head is detached, 'CUR_BRANCH' is empty). guitool..needsFile:: Run the tool only if a diff is selected in the GUI. It guarantees that 'FILENAME' is not empty. guitool..noConsole:: Run the command silently, without creating a window to display its output. guitool..noRescan:: Don't rescan the working directory for changes after the tool finishes execution. guitool..confirm:: Show a confirmation dialog before actually running the tool. guitool..argPrompt:: Request a string argument from the user, and pass it to the tool through the `ARGS` environment variable. Since requesting an argument implies confirmation, the 'confirm' option has no effect if this is enabled. If the option is set to 'true', 'yes', or '1', the dialog uses a built-in generic prompt; otherwise the exact value of the variable is used. guitool..revPrompt:: Request a single valid revision from the user, and set the `REVISION` environment variable. In other aspects this option is similar to 'argPrompt', and can be used together with it. guitool..revUnmerged:: Show only unmerged branches in the 'revPrompt' subdialog. This is useful for tools similar to merge or rebase, but not for things like checkout or reset. guitool..title:: Specifies the title to use for the prompt dialog. The default is the tool name. guitool..prompt:: Specifies the general prompt string to display at the top of the dialog, before subsections for 'argPrompt' and 'revPrompt'. The default value includes the actual command.