diff.tool:: Controls which diff tool is used by linkgit:git-difftool[1]. This variable overrides the value configured in `merge.tool`. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom diff tool and requires that a corresponding difftool..cmd variable is defined. diff.guitool:: Controls which diff tool is used by linkgit:git-difftool[1] when the -g/--gui flag is specified. This variable overrides the value configured in `merge.guitool`. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom diff tool and requires that a corresponding difftool..cmd variable is defined. difftool..cmd:: Specify the command to invoke the specified diff tool. The specified command is evaluated in shell with the following variables available: 'LOCAL' is set to the name of the temporary file containing the contents of the diff pre-image and 'REMOTE' is set to the name of the temporary file containing the contents of the diff post-image. + See the `--tool=` option in linkgit:git-difftool[1] for more details. difftool..path:: Override the path for the given tool. This is useful in case your tool is not in the PATH. difftool.trustExitCode:: Exit difftool if the invoked diff tool returns a non-zero exit status. + See the `--trust-exit-code` option in linkgit:git-difftool[1] for more details. difftool.prompt:: Prompt before each invocation of the diff tool.