## linkgit: macro # # Usage: linkgit:command[manpage-section] # # Note, {0} is the manpage section, while {target} is the command. # # Show Git link as: (
); if section is defined, else just show # the command. [macros] (?su)[\\]?(?Plinkgit):(?P\S*?)\[(?P.*?)\]= [attributes] asterisk=* plus=+ caret=^ startsb=[ endsb=] backslash=\ tilde=~ apostrophe=' backtick=` litdd=-- ifdef::backend-docbook[] [linkgit-inlinemacro] {0%{target}} {0#} {0#{target}{0}} {0#} endif::backend-docbook[] ifdef::backend-docbook[] ifdef::doctype-manpage[] # The following two small workarounds insert a simple paragraph after screen [listingblock] {title} | {title#} [verseblock] {title} {title%} {title#} | {title#} {title%} endif::doctype-manpage[] endif::backend-docbook[] ifdef::backend-xhtml11[] [attributes] git-relative-html-prefix= [linkgit-inlinemacro] {target}{0?({0})} endif::backend-xhtml11[]