path: root/send-pack.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2005-07-08Teach 'git-send-pack' to send new branches and tags.Linus Torvalds
The protocol always supported it, but send-pack didn't actually know how to tell the other side about a new branch/tag. NOTE! You'll have to name it explicitly on the command line: if you don't name any branches, git-send-pack will default to the branches that already exist.
2005-07-05Add "git_path()" and "head_ref()" helper functions.Linus Torvalds
"git_path()" returns a static pathname pointer into the git directory using a printf-like format specifier. "head_ref()" works like "for_each_ref()", except for just the HEAD.
2005-07-04Move ref path matching to connect.c libraryLinus Torvalds
It's a generic thing for matching refs from the other side.
2005-07-04Factor out the ssh connection stuff from send-pack.cLinus Torvalds
I want to use it for git-fetch-pack too.
2005-07-03Fix gcc warning in send-pack.cLinus Torvalds
send_pack() was declared to return "int" (although nobody cared), but didn't actually return anything.
2005-06-30Do ref matching on the sender side rather than on receiverLinus Torvalds
This makes the receiver always send a full list of valid refs, which will allow us to do better packs, as well as handle creation of new refs. Eventually. Right now we just moved the matching and enabled it. So now you can do git-send-pack host:path branch1 branch2 to only send branches "branch1" and "branch2".
2005-06-30git-send-pack: actually send the object packLinus Torvalds
This concludes this lesson. I've actually successfully sent an update using the git-send-pack command. Probably tons of work still to do, and nasty debugging, but it's now actually potentially useful.
2005-06-30Add comment on what send-pack still needs to doLinus Torvalds
Me tired.
2005-06-30Slow but steady progress on git pack receive/sendLinus Torvalds
2005-06-30git-send-pack: start parsing local/remote reference differencesLinus Torvalds
Right now it just shows which refs it picks up, and whether they are the same or changed on the remote end. Getting there..
2005-06-30Make send/receive-pack be closer to doing something interestingLinus Torvalds
2005-06-30Start of "git-send-pack", the local part of sending off a packLinus Torvalds
Like git-receive-pack, this is only partway done.